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Practice Canceled 8/15

Good news and bad news:

The good news is that air quality improved overnight.

The bad news is that it didn't improve enough.

We will NOT host practice this morning. Athletes should seek out an INDOOR crosstraining alternative. If you are able to find an indoor treadmill, please do. If not, an indoor pool, an elliptical machine, or an exercise bike would present a worthy substitute. The exercise bikes in Sunset's dance room will be available to anyone starting at 8:00. Even though today's running effort is "easy", you'll still have to work "hard" on a machine otherwise you're wasting your time. Check your heart rate periodically, with the goal of sustaining a rate of AT LEAST 130 BPM. This will require effort. Simply pushing the pedals won't suffice.

DO NOT run outdoors. Even if the air doesn't "feel bad", the potential for sustained damage to the lungs is high enough that it isn't worth the gamble. That damage could last for hours, or days, or weeks: none of which are acceptable.

Today's "running workout" is already posted on the workouts page. I will post a drill set that can be done indoors momentarily.

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