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Parent Meeting and Other Info

Writer's picture: Coach NeewayCoach Neeway

Hi Apollos,

Our season begins in just 2 weeks! Here are a few items of information that we share at this time:

Parent meeting:

We will host a cross country parent meeting on Zoom on Wednesday, February 17, at 7:30 pm. We will share the Zoom link to those who register. Please register at this link: The meeting will be recorded and shared to those who are unable to attend.

Sports Physicals/Registration:

A reminder that sports physicals are only good for 2 years of high school sports participation. Many of these for our juniors and seniors have been expiring in the winter months. Please double-check that your sports physical is current when completing your registration.

Please help us plan for our season, indicating your participation intention, by starting your sports registration EARLY, even if it is incomplete at this time. Please do not wait until the February 22 to register. Thank you


Having a good running mask will play a integral role in your ability to enjoy the season. Common cloth masks are not a good option: as the masks get wet, breathability suffers.

From our experience, the most important component of a running mask is a structure in front of the mouth and nose. This keeps the mask itself from being “breathed in”. Even when wet, a mask with structure do a great job of providing support.

Here’s an article about some of the running mask options out there:

Some of the members of the team report this mask as their favorite:

Note: coaches have next to no experience with any of these masks. This is all so new! But we do know that cotton masks can make even a slow walk miserable in the rain.

Understandably, these masks have the potential to be expensive. If an athlete is to participate in both track and cross country, even a $30 mask has the potential to cost less than 50¢ each day and will be a worthwhile investment.

Please avoid the masks with exhalation valves. While these work to keep the wearer safe, it does nothing to prevent the wearer from potentially infecting others. Thank you

Last mask-related topic: we strongly encourage all of our runners to trial run in their masks BEFORE the first day of practice. We have many athletes who have been wearing their masks for months now, comfortably, running both easy and in maximum efforts. The first run, however, is a little bit of a shock while the brain comes to terms with the mask for the first time.

Update on practice start times:

Practice will start for our different groups at different times. Every practice will begin with a daily check-in. While final details are still being worked out, all athletes can expect check-ins for practice to start as early as 3:00 and as late as 3:30. Practice will conclude by 5:00 for all groups. As of now, ALL athletes can expect to have 4 weekday in-person practices each week. The “varsity level” group can expect 5 of these. SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS WILL BE CLEARLY COMMUNICATED.


All athletes will have the opportunity to compete this spring in Wednesday league meets. Participation in competitions is contingent on participation in practice. Our schedule is on Non-Wednesday meets are NOT a guaranteed competition at this time. Transportation logistics are still being finalized however, unlike in previous seasons, bus ridership will not be a requirement for competition this spring. Expect more detail as soon as we have it.

Participation Fees:

We should have a final number by Wednesday.

Best regards,

Coach Neeway

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