Sunset Track community,
The coaching staff is beyond excited to kick off our season with you on Monday. This message will broadcast to as many outlets as possible but there will only be two channels through which future communication will happen this spring:
1) weekly to families via the "Coaches' Blog" on our website:
2) daily to athletes through the Canvas "course" for track:
The schedule for Monday's practice is already posted to the Canvas course as will all practice plans for the season. A thorough FAQ document containing similar detail has been posted to the website. Please familiarize yourself with both of these resources.
We are unable to make firm plans without a firmer sense of the number of athletes who will comprise our roster. Please help us solidify this number by registering ASAP: Additionally, we need all athletes to complete the brief questionnaire:
Optional team apparel is available for order at this time. Please find information at this link: Orders are due Sunday, April 11, at midnight, with likely delivery two weeks later.
Follow us on Twitter @SunsetTrack and Instagram @ApollosTF.
Let's have a great season together!
On behalf of the whole Sunset Track & Field coaching staff,
Coach Dan Neeway