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The week ahead 9/23

My sincerest apologies for not posting yesterday. I was without internet access from a computer this weekend.

Thank you to the parents who have volunteered their time to help with parking at this Saturday's meet. We are still hoping for a few more. Please let me know if you can help.

Members of our varsity team traveled to southern California this weekend to compete at the Woodbridge Cross Country Classic. It is one of the most competitive cross country meets anywhere in the country at any time in the season: 400+ schools from 16 states in 52 races. The teams ran great. Our B team girls finished 11th out of 22 teams in the Varsity Gold division against other varsity teams from California while our B team boys finished 9th out of 36 teams in the same division. Our 7-person varsity lineups raced in the incredibly competitive sweepstakes division (the top tier race) with the girls finishing 12th and the boys finishing 21st.

Schedule for the week. Practice begins at the pavilion unless otherwise indicated.

Tuesday: practice at 3:00 pm, ending around 5:00 for all runners

Wednesday: practice at 3:00 pm, ending around 4:30 for low-volume runners and 5:15 for higher volume runners

Thursday: practice at 3:00 pm, ending around 5:15 for all runners

Friday: practice starts with team meetings: girls at 2:40 (street clothes) boys at 3:00 (dressed for practice); ending at around 4:45 for all runners

Saturday: meet day! in addition to the information provided on NO DOGS ALLOWED (please leave them at home), there is a $5 charge for parking

Other items:

* Aloha HS is offering Sunset a pre-sale of shirts for Nike Portland: $25 for short sleeves and $35 for long sleeves. We will have forms at practice starting Tuesday. Orders will be due on Thursday. (Shirts sell out every year).

* After a delay, we anticipate that all team apparel (shirts and polos) should arrive this week on Tuesday or Wednesday.

* Sign-ups for WHITE PASS CROSS COUNTRY CAMP will soon open. Last year, it was October 15. Coaches will keep an ear open for any updates.

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