How do I join? Officially, the OSAA and Beaverton School District have their requirements for participation. See the school website for details and forms. Forms and payment must be submitted through the athletic office at school - not to coaches. The athletic office is open before and after school as well as during lunch. (Generally speaking, if an athlete has already participated in a sport in the 2019-20 school year, then no additional forms are required, only the $225 participation fee - which can be paid online. Direct all questions to Mrs Lisa Smith in athletics).
The team requires two forms: an acknowledgement of rules and the planned absence form. These are available here on our website or directly at this link. These forms should be turned in to a coach (not during class!). At practice is fine.
Where does practice take place? We meet on the track. If we are going to begin elsewhere, alternate locations will be posted inside of the exit doors in 3-Hall where workouts are posted.
What do I need at practice? Good shoes and athletic apparel. Remember that it isn't always 70 degrees and sunny during the spring in Oregon. Always be prepared for less ideal weather.
Most other questions are best asked by athletes (and not parents) to their coaches in person.