Canvas course: All athletes should enroll in the Canvas course: Practice plans, important forms, and other important information is kept here.
Uniform Handout:
Team uniforms will be handed out at practice on Monday and Tuesday to start practice from 2:50 until 3:10 in the team room (outside the 3-hall doors across from the weight room). Still unsure of the location? Ask at check-in. Monday uniforms are for SENIORS, THROWERS, THOSE WHO ORDERED T-SHIRTS AND/OR SWEATSHIRTS, and likely VARSITY ATHLETES. All others will collect uniforms on Tuesday.
Team Apparel Arriving Monday: Those that ordered apparel can pick up their apparel at practice this week when uniforms are being distributed.
Which Events Am I Competing in on Thursday?
Coaches would like to know the answer to that question. ATHLETES please fill out this Google form before practice on Monday:
We have our first meet of the season on Thursday. ALL athletes are expected to be at the track meet from its beginning to its conclusion. Check-ins begin at 2:15 for a 2:30 bus. Early departure from 4th period has been arranged by school administration. Note: Early departure is also scheduled for our meet with Mountainside on May 6.
Events begin at 4:00 pm. We anticipate concluding between 7:30 and 8:00 pm. At this time, there is no information about spectators. An order of events is published on our home page near the bottom in the "blog".
Buses: The maximum number of riders on a bus is 40. Athletes have the choice not to ride the bus. Athletes choosing not to ride must:
Fill out a BSD form ("BSD Private Auto Waiver") that is posted in the Canvas course*
Check-in in person at Sunset on the day of the meet as usual
Arrive at the away facility at the same time, entering the opposing facility as part of the team
All athletes depart the meet at its conclusion at the same time as the rest of the team
*The form must be completed and given to Coach Neeway prior to Thursday's meet. Please fill out ALL highlighted sections of the form. Only one form is required for the whole track season.
Athletes who are licensed drivers may drive themselves. They may also drive siblings.
Attendance is taken at the conclusion of the meet. An athlete's inability to meet these expectations will result in not being allowed to compete.
Attendance/Practice Times and Dates: We are no longer giving attendance warnings. See the notes from last week's post about attendance. Athletes who do not attend practice as expected will not compete.
ATHLETES REPORT ALL ABSENCES USING THE ATTENDANCE LINK IN THE CANVAS COURSE. Donations: Please note that we are not conducting a formal fundraiser this spring. We are asking all families to consider making a donation to our team to help with expenses. Please use the online payment system and select "Track Donation" from the submenus. Thank you for your support! Go Apollos!!! -Coach Neeway