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Writer's pictureCoach Neeway

TF Week 2

Canvas course:

All athletes should enroll in the Canvas course:

Apparel Last Call:


Any athlete requiring repeated reminders about appropriate mask wear will be suspended from practice. A second suspension will result in removal from the team. Participation this spring is contingent on wearing a mask that covers both nose and mouth. Here is an article about running masks you might find helpful:

A number of athletes report that paper disposable masks like these are comfortable and remain in place.

Being Prepared at Practice:

All athletes should have a bag with their name clearly printed on it as many bags look the same. Each athlete must bring water bottle also with their name on it.

Sprinters and jumpers should be in the habit of bringing their spiked racing shoes to practice EVERY day. There is a note about acquiring these shoes in our FAQ document.

Attendance/Practice Times and Dates:

We have practice every weekday with check-ins at 3pm from now until the end of our season, including days without school. We ask our athletes and their families to make the commitment to being a part of our team. This means attending daily. Please make every effort to be on time so that we can begin on time.

Here are some examples of what would constitute an excusable absence from practice:

1) Illness, especially this year! Please don't come if sick! Better safe than sorry...

2) Doctor's appointments (including vaccination opportunities)

3) Major family events (like a grandfather's 100th birthday)

4) College visits

Reasons to NOT miss practice:

1) A job

2) Second cousin's 7th birthday or other insignificant family events… we ask you to use judgment when considering their importance.

3) Photography Club meeting (clubs take a backseat during the season)

4) Tutoring, study groups, make-up tests, etc. (Academics are important to us but please schedule these items around practice times)

5) Another sport's practice (speak to coaches if a competition might create a conflict)

Not every athlete is able to make the commitment to being a part of the track team.



Please note that we are not conducting a formal fundraiser this spring. We are asking all families to consider making a donation to our team to help with expenses. Please use the online payment system and select "Track Donation" from the submenus. Thank you for your support!

Go Apollos!!!

-Coach Neeway

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