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The week ahead...

Thank you to all parents who volunteered their time and energy on Wednesday as course marshals at our home meet. We sincerely appreciate the support you provide for our team.

This is the last week of the season for most of our athletes. The district meet is an exciting one and not to be missed. The schedule is different. Full meet details are available here.

TUESDAY SPAGHETTI DINNER: The Ryerson family (with the support of additional families) is hosting the last Spaghetti Dinner of the season at the Oak Hills Rec Center right after practice on Tuesday. Seniors host their own awards show and hope that all athletes will attend.

THURSDAY PR MEETING: We will have our last PR meeting of the season in the UPPER COMMONS at 2:40 to not only celebrate improvements and accomplishments but to vote for team awards and discuss future opportunities. After the PR meeting, practice will be restricted to state athletes only. Athletes continuing to train are free to do so on their own schedule (though training with teammates after school has been working great for the last few months and will undoubtedly continue to do so).

Schedule for the week. Practice begins at the pavilion unless otherwise indicated.

Monday: practice starts at 3:00 and ends around 4:30 for JV runners, and 5:00 for those who will comprise our team at the state meet

Tuesday: practice starts with team meetings in classroom T-7: girls at 2:40 (street clothes) boys at 3:00 (dressed for practice); ending around 4:45 for all runners

Wednesday: meet day! specific details can be found on the calendar with race start times on

Thursday: PR meeting at 2:40 pm in the UPPER COMMONS, finishing around 3:15 EXCEPT for practice ending around 5:15 for state meet competitors

Friday: practice for state meet competitors only

Saturday: practice for state meet competitors only

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